DAM promotes protagonism and creativity for the realisation through the artistic expression called graffiti-writing, with the theme DAM on two rolling shutters in the centre of Florence. The prize awarding artistic contest notice offers artists, and non artists, the opportunity to express their talent through the creation of paint works that will be realised on as many rolling shutters of buildings located in the municipality of Florence.
Request of artistic proposals to be realised on the following rolling shutters in the municipality of Florence:
A) rolling shutter of a private property building, height 2.20 metres, width 1.95 metres
B) rolling shutter of a private property building, height 2.20 metres, width 1.65 metres
Exclusively pictorial type realisations are foreseen.
The competitors are requested to present only one proposal for each rolling shutter.
The pdf file relative to the information sheet (information and description of the contest, themes, photographic documentation, and diagram for the supports for the presentation of the drawings) constitutes integral part of this contest notice.
The Artist can create the work freely, taking inspiration for the indicated theme, which is DAM.
However, we must point out that contents or references of political, religious, or ethic nature that prejudice the rights of third parties, whether in contrast with the regulations in force and/or anyway considered, at the unquestionable – even though motivated – judgement of the Commission as set forth in article 5, in contrast with the values (or even only inappropriate) will not be accepted.
31 October 2016 last day for the delivery of the competing works
13 November 2016 communication via email of the contest results
Between 19/11/2016 and 31/11/2016 realisation of the interventions, expecting a maximum duration of 7 days for the realisation of the work on the rolling shutter, except for unforeseen circumstances
The contest is open to all the artists between 18 and 100 years of age (even groups of more persons). During drawings presentation phase a copy of an identity document must be attached. The artists can participate individually or in group as long as a representative is indicated with a proxy signed by the components. Each individual or group participating can present only one drawing for the rolling shutters. The participants that participate individually or in group cannot participate with other groups.
The participants must deliver via Email to the following address contest@dam21.org
or deliver by hand, letter, or package containing the file (on CD) or sealed envelope reporting on the external part the wording “DAM21” and the title of the work, to the following address Essedicom srl, via Fra Domenico Buonvicini 46, 50132 Firenze, by 3 p.m. of 31/10/2016. The postmark will not be considered. Said envelope must contain penalty of exclusion:
1) Sealed envelope, reporting externally only the title of the work and containing:
I. request of participation in the contest (DOWNLOAD ATTACHMENT), validly signed and reporting the personal data of the individual participant artist or of a representative for those participating as group (including telephone number and email address);
II. photocopy of an identity document;
III. self-certification in which one declares, under his/her own responsibility, to be in good health and fitness and to be physically suitable to work (this can be presented afterwards at the starting of the work);
2) any (optional) file (to be sent via email) or sealed envelope containing:
I. brief general artistic curriculum and with reference to the realisation of pictorial works on average size wall surfaces;
II. the project drawings in A3 format (cm 42×29.7) digital and non digital, realisable with any technique;
III. any brief description report of the project, with the explanation and reasons that led to the realisation of said product, indication of characteristics, technical phases, and typology of materials regarding the work realisation phase;
IV. file containing the images of the design proposal in digital format possibly with high resolution, not reporting any wording or personal data reference other than the title of the work.
Regarding privacy, the provisions of the EU in matter, set out in the following website are valid: http://europa.eu/geninfo/legal_notices_it.htm
The artists or groups can present only one proposal for the rolling shutters.
The competing drawings delivered according to what set forth in article 4, will be examined by a Commission of 4 components plus a secretary without right to vote; the Commission may be composed differently and its judgement is unquestionable.
In consideration of the delicate relation between the artistic intervention and the city, the Commission will express its evaluations according to the following parameters:
– Ability to originally develop the indicated theme (DAM) (0-20 points)
– Global artistic quality (0-20 points)
– Complexity of the technique used and any innovative aspects, also in relation to the foreseen realisation times (0-10 points)
Through the drawing up of a report, the winning drawing will be selected according to the total points obtained.
In addition, the Commission reserves the possibility to signal worthy works, that is, to not select any project.
The company will provide for the management and safety of the sites for the health protection of the operators pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008 and following amendments, as well as any necessary authorisations (public property, etc).
The following will be put at disposal:
– consumables (rods, rollers, brushes, etc);
– application of fixative and base coat (to be agreed with the winners according to the type of work);
– materials for the intervention (exterior acrylic paints and spray cans) of the best brands on the market: the winners of the contest are required to promptly supply a detailed list of colours.
The winner will receive a prize of 800,00 Euro, inclusive of travel expenses, paid at the end of the realisation of the work. In case of winners coming from outside Florence or EU countries, the stay will be guaranteed at our own accommodation structures.
The payment of the prize will be carried out in a single payment through bank transfer, upon prior communication of the data required to execute deposits (name – surname, address, email, tax code number, IBAN number) to the following contacts:
Email: contest@dam21.org
The Commission has the right to not assign the prize if none of the works meet the requirements.
The winners of the contest transfer to Edro 21 srl all the property rights of the work, which cannot be changed or sold to third parties. The artists shall remain owners of the copyright on the works, but grant Edro 21 srl the right to realise and distribute two-dimensional reproductions of the same works in any form, both on paper and magnetic media, including the inclusion on web sites, and the artists shall not be entitled to additional compensation apart from all-encompassing lump sum provided for by this regulation and the contest notice. Edro 21 srl shall not transfer to third parties the above-mentioned exploitation rights and agrees to indicate the author of the work. It is understood that the drawings shall remain property of Edro 21 srl. All the candidates guarantee that the drawings presented do not violate in any circumstance the rights of third parties and, should this occur, they shall be held directly responsible. The competing works excluded shall remain at disposal of the participants that request them. The costs of returning of the competing works shall be at charge of those who request them.
The organisers shall not be held responsible for any claim or complaint in this regard.
The participation in the contest implies the full acceptance of this regulation.
Edro 21 srl reserves the right to change anytime the regulation and prizes. Any modification shall be announced on the web site of the contest and shall enter into force the day after their publication on the web site.
This regulation is governed by the Italian laws in force; the place of jurisdiction for any dispute is the Court of Pistoia.
Information and secretary service office of the contest is at Essedicom srl tel. +39 055 3840375.